CR Belouizdad
AS Douanes
1:0 (1:0)
Penalty Shoot-Out Score 4:3
1st Leg 0:1
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To Qualify for Group Stage
CR Belouizdad
AS Douanes
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Match to End and Method of Qualification
Yes No
To Qualify for Group Stage by Penalty Shoot-Out - CR Belouizdad 1.50 2.375
To Qualify for Group Stage by Penalty Shoot-Out - AS Douanes 2.375 1.50
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Penalty Shoot-Out
CR Belouizdad AS Douanes
To Score Not to Score To Score Not to Score
5th Penalty     1.26 3.40
6th Penalty 1.26 3.40 1.26 3.40
7th Penalty 1.26 3.40 1.26 3.40
8th Penalty 1.26 3.40 1.26 3.40
9th Penalty 1.26 3.40 1.26 3.40
10th Penalty 1.26 3.40    
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Penalty Shoot-Out
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Number of Penalties Taken in Penalty Shoot-Out
Number of Penalties Missed in Penalty Shoot-Out
Number of Penalties Scored in Penalty Shoot-Out
Number of Penalties Taken in Penalty Shoot-Out (CR Belouizdad)
Number of Penalties Taken in Penalty Shoot-Out (AS Douanes)
Number of Penalties Missed in Penalty Shoot-Out (CR Belouizdad)
Number of Penalties Missed in Penalty Shoot-Out (AS Douanes)
Number of Penalties Scored in Penalty Shoot-Out (CR Belouizdad)
Number of Penalties Scored in Penalty Shoot-Out (AS Douanes)

Current scores, times, statistics and animation are displayed for information purposes only and whilst every effort is taken to ensure their accuracy we accept no liability for any errors.